Kilcock GAA

Founded 1887


Kilcock GAA – Community Response to COVID-19

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Kilcock GAA – Community Response to COVID-19

Kilcock GAA as a community organisation want to ensure that everyone gets through the weeks ahead in a safe and healthy way. There are people in our community that are at risk and they may not want to leave their house due to the risk posed to them from COVID-19.

Do you know anyone like?
Have you called them to see if they are OK and do they need any supplies to keep them going?
Don't leave it to someone else - pick up the phone...

If you are a person who feels they have no-one to turn to, Kilcock GAA is there for you. Give us a call or send us a text @ 085 255 8243 or email and we will arrange to get someone to come and do some essential shopping for you – or maybe pick up a prescription from the local pharmacy. If you have your EirCode it will help with locating you.

Together we’ll get through this.

Kilcock GAA.

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